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Energy cost differences between marathon runners and soccer players: constant versus shuttle running

Published: 25 May 2023

In the last decades, the energy cost assessment provided new insight on shuttle or constant running as training modalities. The aim of this study was to clarify if marathon runners and soccer players present specific energy cost values related to their training experience performing constant and shuttle running.

There is growing evidence that energy cost is affected by the specificity of movement. Notably, the constant and intermittent pace is markedly related to the type of mechanical work produced and respective mechanical efficiencies.
However, little data exist on running energy costs between these conditions and among athletes trained especially for these conditions. Therefore, the present study compared energy costs between constant and intermittent runs in two groups, each highly trained for one of these events.
Thus, the study assessed the differences on energy cost between these two athlete groups under constant versus shuttle conditions. Overall, it was observed that energy cost of running was specific to training background of athletes analyzed, confirming the first hypothesis. Marathoners were more economical than soccer players at constant conditions, and soccer players spent less metabolic energy than marathonists in shuttle conditions.
In conclusion, the results of the present study clearly demonstrate the specificity of the energy cost of running to type of exercise performed (constant versus shuttle) and consequently to training background for distance runners and soccer players.
This study reinforces the importance of specificity to training adaptations, showing the necessity to test an athlete while performing the activity they are trained for. Other strength of this study was comparing two different groups of athletes shading light on performance determinants in a comparative perspective. Furthermore, this study brings new insights into talent detection and development topics and highlights the significance of evaluating the physiological factors impacting performance in athletes who have undergone specific training.


Article details:

Title: Energy cost differences between marathon runners and soccer players: Constant versus shuttle running
Authors: Johnny Padulo, Antonio Buglione, Alin Larion, Fabio Esposito, Christian Doria, Dražen Čular, Pietro Enrico di Prampero, Leonardo Alexandre Peyré-Tartaruga
- Published in: Frontiers in Physiology - Sec. Exercise Physiology Volume 14 - 2023 
- DOI10.3389/fphys.2023.1159228

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