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The scarce accuracy of REE predictive equations and the importance of REE measurement through indirect calorimetry

Published: 25 January 2016

A new study published on American Journal of Critical Care confirms the scarce accuracy of REE predictive equations and the importance of REE measurement through indirect calorimetry.

The aim of the study was to compare resting energy expenditure measured by indirect calorimetry (REEIC) with REE calculated by using the Harris-Benedict equation with 3 different sources of body weight (from bed scale, REEHB1; ideal body weight, REEHB2; and predicted body weight, REEHB3).

This study included 205 critically ill patients (115 men, 90 women) evaluated within the first 48 hours of admission and undergoing mechanical ventilation.

The study conlcudes that for measuring REE in critically ill patients undergoing mechanical ventilation, calculation via the Harris-Benedict equation, regardless of the source of body weight, cannot be substituted for indirect calorimetry.

The study is available free to download at the following link: click here

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