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Comparison between two metabolic monitors in the measurement of resting energy expenditure and oxygen consumption in diabetic and non-diabetic ambulatory and hospitalized patients

Published: 22 December 2014

A new clinical validation for Fitmate RMR measurement versus the Deltatrac in nonventilate patients was published on "Nutrition - The International Journal of Applied and Basic Nutritional Sciences".

The aim of this study was to assess the validity and reliability of the Fitmate metabolic system in measuring the oxygen consumption and resting metabolic rate (RMR) in ambulatory and hospitalized patients.

The patients (divided in 4 groups) were tested using the Fitmate metabolic system for 15 min and the Deltatrac II metabolic monitor for 20 min, measuring resting energy expenditure and oxygen consumption.

The study conclusions are that "Fitmate remains a reliable and valid system for measuring oxygen consumption and RMR in nonventilated patients".

The study details are the following:

Title: "Comparison between two metabolic monitors in the measurement of resting energy expenditure and oxygen consumption in diabetic and non-diabetic ambulatory and hospitalized patients."
- Authors
: Lupinsky L, Singer P, Theilla M, Grinev M, Hirsh R, Lev S, Kagan I, Attal-Singer J. - Department of General Intensive Care and Institute for Nutrition Research, Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Campus, Petah Tiqva, Tel-Aviv, Israel
- Published in
: Nutrition. 2015 Jan;31(1):176-9

The article can be downloaded at the following link: click here

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