Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Its Place in Medicine
Published: 13 January 2023
The evidence that cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) predicts morbidity and mortality independent of commonly obtained risk factors isbeyond dispute.
Observations establishing that the addition of CRF to algorithms for estimating cardiovascular disease risk reinforcesthe clinical utility of CRF.
Evidence suggesting that non-exercise estimations of CRF are associated with all-cause mortality providesan opportunity to obtain estimates of CRF in a cost-effective manner.
Together with the observation that CRF is substantially improvedin response to exercise consistent with guideline recommendations underscores the position that CRF should be included as a routinemeasure across all health care settings.
Article details:
- Title: Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Its Place in Medicine
- Authors: Robert Ross, Jonathan Myers
- Published in: Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine 2023; 24(1): 14
- DOI:

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