Accuracy and reliability of COSMED K5 portable metabolic device versus simulating system
A first validation of the K5, the new COSMED wearable metabolic system, was presented during the 2015 edition of the Italian Sport Medicine Society (SIMSE) and published in the Sport Science for Health Journal.
The study aim was to evaluate the accuracy of the new COSMED K5 portable metabolic cart with breath-by-breath technology. Simulated versus measured VO2 and VCO2 values at three different metabolic rates were compared.
The conclusion of the study was that "K5 produced reliable and valid results of VO2 and VCO2 over a wider range of simulated metabolic rate."
The article details are the following:
- Title: "Accuracy and reliability of COSMED K5 portable metabolic device versus simulating system"
- Authors: C. Baldari, M. Meucci, F. Bolletta, M.C. Gallotta, G.P. Emerenziani, L. Guidetti - Department of Movement, Human and Health Sciences; University of Rome "Foro Italico"
- Published in:Sport Sciences for Health, September 2015, Volume 11, Supplement 1
The full SIMSE Congress Abstracts, including this one, can be purchased at the following link: click here
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