Indirect Calorimetry - reliability and comparison of different methods of gas collection with Quark RMR (German language)
A new study on Quark RMR was published in Germany validating the its accuracy for REE measurements and its test-retest reliability.
The aim of this study was to verify the quality criteria for the determination of REE with Quark RMR. The following questions are answered:
- Can the quality criteria identified by Compher et al (2006) be applied in practice?
- What is the test-retest reliability?
- Do the two different methods of gas collection (mask vs. Canopy Hood) lead to different results?".
From April 2014 to January 2015 20 healthy volunteers undertook four measurements each (two with Canopy Hood and two with mask), each measurement lasting 30 minutes under standardized conditions.
The study findings conclude that "the Quark RMR represents a reliable measurement tool for indirect calorimetry".
The article details are the following:
- Original Title: "Qualitätskriterien für die indirekte Kalorimetrie mittels Quark RMR – Bestimmung der Reliabilität und Vergleich verschiedener Methoden der Gassammlung"
- Authors: I Hergenhan , K Kohlenberg-Müller - Hochschule Fulda – University of Applied Sciences, Fachbereich Oecotrophologie, Fulda
- Published in:Aktuel Ernahrungsmed 2015; 40 - P1_4
The study results can be viewed at the following link: click here

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