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Indirect calorimetry in mechanically ventilated patients. A systematic comparison of three instruments

Published: 10 September 2012

A study by the Swedish Karolinska Instituet has been published on Clinical Nutrition Journal showing excellent results for Quark RMR in measuring indirect calorimetry in mechanically ventilated patients. 

The study objectives were focused on the necessity of validating new instruments for indirect calorimetry in mechanically ventilated patients, after that production of the Deltatrac has now been discontinued.

The study results were extremely positive for Quark RMR: "This study indicates that the Quark RMR provides REE estimates comparable to the Deltatrac, while the CCM Express gives REE values 64% higher than Quark RMR and Deltatrac, and also 77% higher than predicted by the Harris Benedict equation".

The article details are the following:

- Title: "Indirect calorimetry in mechanically ventilated patients. A systematic comparison of three instruments"
- Authors
: Martin Sundstrom, Inga Tjader, Olav Rooyackers, Jan Wernerman. Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Hospital Huddinge and Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
- Published in
: Clinical Nutrition Journal (2012) Jul 3.

The abstract can be seen at the following link: click here

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