Pulmonary Function Testing with OMNIA 1.2, the new software platform by COSMED
COSMED is glad to present the new 1.2 version of OMNIA, the powerful diagnostic software platform from COSMED.
The new 1.2 release is available starting from February 15th 2014. OMNIA 1.2 covers 3 brand new modules (TGV, DLCO, 6MWT) together with a wide range of important improvements and some minor bug fixes of the previous version.
OMNIA 1.2 is now compatible with the following products:
- Pony FX (all models - < 2013020001 with dongle)
- Spiropalm (all models - < 2013040001 with dongle)
- microQuark (USB version only - < 2013040001 with dongle)
- Quark Spiro (all models - from S/N 2007110010 )
- Quark PFT (all models 2007 version - from S/N 2007060001)
- Q-Box (all models - from S/N 2012010001)
The new upgrade is free of charge for all OMNIA 1.x users and for those who have purchased Quark PFT, Quark Spiro, Spiropalm 6MWT after October 1st 2013 (proof of purchase required).
Customers having devices provided with PFT Suite ver. 10.0c and below please contact sales department to get an upgrade quotation.
For further information on upgrades, please contact directly COSMED Sales staff.
What's new on OMNIA 1.2
- 3 New modules/test covered:
- Lung Volumes – TGV Module (Body Box TGV, Pre/Post BD, RAW, sRAW etc.)
- DLCO Module (Single Breath, Intrabreath, Membrane Diffusion)
- Spirometry (SVC post BD, 6MWT test download) - Software speed and communication with devices by USB has been significantly improved
- Possibility to extrapolate predicteds outside the original algorithm (age/height/weight)
- New pneumotach flowmeter (X9) linearization for fine-tuning-accuracy of any PNT by users
- New Control Panel for easy maintenance/troubleshooting of any COSMED device
- 5 new languages added (Turkish, Greek, Romanian, Korean, Czech). 15 languages in total
- GUI enhancements (database, navigation etc.)
Spirometry Module
- FVC (Pre/Post BD), SVC (Pre/Post BD), MVV, Lung Age
- ATS, Metacholine-dose, Mannitol and user defined Bronchochallenge protocols
- Trial Selection and Quality Control functions (in compliance with ERS/ATS guidelines)
- Innovative pediatric incentivation with selectable effort grade
- Full compliance with “2005 ATS/ERS consensus” (Interpretation, QC, etc.)
- GOLD COPD Interpretation on FVC PostBD
- Includes latest Global Lung Initiative (GLI) predicteds (including Z-score)
- Possibility to download Six Minute Walk Test data from any Spiropalm 6MWT
Body Box (TGV/RAW) Module
- TGV (Pre/Post BD) and RAW (Pre/Post BD) based on ATS/ERS Task Force Consensus 2005 Guidelines
- User-defined testing sequence (TGV, sRAW, SVC, IC)
- Possibility to capture multiple RAWs with one single click (up to 7)
- Real time review of all previously performed captures
- Body Box calibration and leakage test
- Advanced Edit function for tests/trials/captures
- Predicteds: ERS93/ECCS, Roca/ECCS, Koch 2012, Garcia-Rio
- Different RAW algorithms available (sRawTOT, sRawins, sRawexp, sRaw0,5, sRaw0,2, sRawFmax)
Diffusing Lung Capacity Module
- Single breath (DLCOsb) and Intra-Breath (DLCOib) techniques based on ATS/ERS Task Force Consensus 2005 Guidelines
- Membrane Diffusion (available with multiple FiO2 mixtures)
- DLCO advanced edit function (automatic and custom selection of washout and alveolar gas volume)
- DLCO gas calibration (CO, CH4)
- Test simulation (without inhaling gas mixture) to coach subjects before testing
- Breath hold time settings according to different standards (Jones, Ogilvie and ESP)
- Predicteds: ECCS, Crapo and Morris, Paoletti, Roca, Knudson
Six Minute Walk Test
- Download test in OMNIA from any Spiropalm 6MWT
- Graphical and tabular data visualization
- Evaluation of Dynamic Hyperinflation through IC changes from baseline
- New 6MWD pictogram featuring measured vs predicted distance
- Advanced editing to review tests performed on Spiropalm
- New Predicteds: Enright and Sherrill, Troosters, Gibbons, Camarri, Chetta 6MWT

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