February 23-24 2017 - ERS Course: Clinical exercise testing: basic principles and practice
Organised by: European Respiratory Society
Date: 23-24 February, 2017
Venue: Eurostars Roma Aeterna Hotel, Via Casilina, 125 (Rome, Italy)
Topics: Clinical Cardio Pulmonary Exercise Test
About the Course
This course will provide a comprehensive introduction to the principles underlying the physiological basis of cardiopulmonary exercise testing. This will allow participants to identify the indications for exercise testing and to manage the most common protocols (i.e. incremental, constant work-rate) used in clinical and rehabilitation settings. Participants will be able to familiarise themselves with the equipment and methodology involved in exercise testing and to undertake appropriate interpretation of the results.
This course has been granted 12 CME credits by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME). The number of credits that you will receive corresponds to your attendance during the course. Please note that you need to sign the register of attendance each day to ensure that you receive the CME credits.
Course format
- Plenary sessions
- Question and answer sessions
- Small-group tutorials
- Interactive workshops and hands-on training
- Case presentations and discussion
- Panel discussions
Target Audience
- Clinicians
- Pulmonary physicians
- Respiratory physiologists
- Respiratory therapists
- Trainees in the above specialities
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