Repeatability and Meaningful Change of CPET Parameters in Normal Subjects
A new study on Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (MSSE) Journal investigates the repeatability of CPET parameters in normal healthy subjects.
Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) has many important clinical and research applications. Defining repeatability of CPET measurements is important when determining a response to a therapy or training program, or monitoring disease progression.
The aims of this study include:
- characterize short-term repeatability for clinically important CPET parameters in healthy subjects using a modern instrument with accurate flow sensors and rapid gas analyzers;
- assess if a “learning effect” is suggested by a significant difference between an initial and second CPET assessment;
- identify the threshold for meaningful change in peak O2 and O2@LT;
- identify differences in variability related to sex, age, fitness level and diurnal factors.
The study results show that "repeatability of CPET parameters is generally higher then previously reported. There were no significant differences in variability related to sex, age, fitness level; diurnal factors had a limited impact".
The article details are the following:
- Title: "Repeatability and Meaningful Change of CPET Parameters in Normal Subjects"
- Authors: DeCato TW, Bradley SM, Wilson EL, Hegewald MJ
- Published in: Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2017 Nov 7.
The full study can be purchased at the following link: click here
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