Energy metabolism and nutritional status in hospitalized patients with lung cancer
A new study on the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition examines the importance of monitoring energy metabolism in lung cancer patients.
This study aimed to investigate the energy metabolism of patients with lung cancer and the relationship between energy metabolism and proinflammatory cytokines.
The resting energy expenditure and respiratory quotient were measured using indirect calorimetry, and the predicted resting energy expenditure was calculated using the Harris-Benedict equation.
The study results indicate that "energy expenditure changes significantly with lung cancer stage and that plasma interleukin-6 levels affect energy metabolism and dietary intake. Thus, nutritional management that considers the changes in energy metabolism is important in patients with lung cancer".
The article details are the following:
- Title: "Energy metabolism and nutritional status in hospitalized patients with lung cancer"
- Authors: Takemura Y, Sasaki M, Goto K, Takaoka A, Ohi A, Kurihara M, Nakanishi N, Nakano Y, Hanaoka J
- Published in: J Clin Biochem Nutr. 2016 Sep;59(2):122-129
The full study can be downloaded for free at the following link: click here

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