Interrupter Resistance in Preschool Children: Clinical utility in asthma management
The clinical importance of interrupter resistance (Rint) technique in asthma management on patients, who are not able to collaborate in the execution of spirometry tests, has been investigated a study by the Paediatry dept. of Siena Hospital (Italy).
The aim of the study is to assess Rint utility in asthma management when integrated with clinical evaluation in preschool children.
Rint was performed using desktop spirometer COSMED Pony FX with Rocc module.
The study conclusions state that "the evaluation of airways resistances plays an important role in management of the wheezer child, allowing, in some cases, to validate the previous therapeutic choice and in others to suggest a different therapeutic approach. As stated in the study of Beydon, in a large proportion of the population of asthmatic children, Rint correlates with spirometric indexes (FEV1, FEV1/FVC, FEF25-75%), but has poor sensitivity to detect baseline obstruction, while has good sensitivity and specificity to detect bronchoreversibility [12]. Therefore, bronchodilator response measured by Rint should be systematically studied and further assessed in conjunction with clinical outcomes, in order to implement asthma management in children unable to produce reliable spirometry".
The article details are the following:
- Title: "Interrupter Resistance in Preschool Children: Clinical utility in asthma management"
- Authors: Boddi G., Tuccio A., Nanni S., Coccina F., Rossi E., Nistri E., Vascotto M., Balestri P.
- Published in:JOURNAL OF THe SIeNA ACADeMY OF SCIeNCeS, PUbLISHeD SINCe 1761 - VOL. 4 - 2012
The scientific article can be downloaded at the following link: click here

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