COSMED Q-NRG Metabolic Monitor won the iF DESIGN AWARD 2021
Rome - May 31, 2021
COSMED, a worldwide leader in the design of metabolic systems for clinical and human performance applications, was a winner of this year’s iF DESIGN AWARD, with the Metabolic Monitor Q-NRG.
Each year, the world’s oldest independent design organization, Hannover-based iF International Forum Design GmbH, organizes the iF DESIGN AWARD. We are proud to inform that Q-NRG and Q-NRG+ won over the 98-member jury, made up of independent experts from all over the world, in the discipline of “Product”, in the Medicine/Health category with its unique combination of design and non-invasive technology to accurately measure energy expenditure to optimize individual nutrition programmes. The competition was intense: almost 10,000 entries were submitted from 52 countries in hopes of receiving the seal of quality.
Q-NRG and Q-NRG+ utilizes Indirect Calorimetry (IC) technology, the Gold Standard to accurately measure Resting Energy Expenditure (REE)— a patient’s calorie needs while at rest. Clinicians can use Q-NRG to determine energy targets, prescribe and administer the appropriate nutrition therapy for their patients.
Q-NRG is the ultimate tool for research in metabolic response at resting, to develop individual weight management programs and optimize energy balance.
IC is recommended in Guidelines from nutrition societies around the world, including the European Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ESPEN) and American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN).
Q-NRG is designed to be a point-of-care technology. The device requires minimal warm-up and calibration time and can deliver readings in as few as five minutes. Results are displayed in real-time in a user-friendly “dashboard” on the device’s screen. Q-NRG Metabolic Monitor was developed by COSMED R&D and Marketing Teams in collaboration with Design Partner LTD.
More information about Q-NRG can be found in the “Winners” section of the iF website.

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