Optimal Nutrition Care guided by Indirect Calorimetry - COSMED Satellite Symposium at ESPEN 2018
Published: 05 June 2018
Rome (Italy) - June 2018 - The 2018 ESPEN (European Society Parenteral & Enteral Nutrition) Congress will host a Satellite Symposium sponsored by COSMED dedicated to indirect calorimetry in critically ill patients, including an introduction of the main breakthroughs of the new Q-NRG metabolic monitor.
Symposium Title
Optimal Nutrition Care guided by Indirect Calorimetry
2nd September 2018 |12:30 – 13:30
IFEMA Congress Centre - Room # N109+N110 Madrid (Spain)
Prof. Claude Pichard, Geneva University Hospital (Switzerland)
- Welcome
- Indirect Calorimetry for Tailoring Nutrition Prescription: Benefits and Constraints - Prof. Michael Hiesmayr, Medical University of Wien (Austria)
- The new metabolic monitor: Technical Breakthroughs and Features - Prof. Claude Pichard, Geneva University Hospital (Switzerland)
- Measuring Energy Expenditure in ICU: A New User Experience (Demo Video)
- Open Discussion

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