Scientific News
A selection of scientific articles on Cardio Pulmonary, Lung Function, Metabolism and Body Composition
Is the New AquaTrainer ® Snorkel Valid for VO2 Assessment in Swimming?
22 May 2013
A new study was published on the International Journal of Sport Medicine validating the new Aquatrainer snorkel option for gas exchange measurement of swimmers with K4b2. This study aimed to test if a new AquaTrainer ® snorkel with 2 (SV2) or 4 (SV4) valves is comparable to a standard face mask (Mask) being valid for real time gas analysis unde...
Validity of COSMED's Quark CPET Mixing Chamber System in Evaluating Energy Metabolism
02 April 2013
A new study was published this month on the Research in Sports Medicine Journal with a validation of Quark CPET with Mixing Chamber versus the Douglas Bag method. The validation study was performed by Dr Nieman's team at the prestigious Human Performance Lab of the Applachian State University (ASU). The study objectives were to validate the acc...
Influence of Competition on Performance and Pacing during Cycling Exercise
16 April 2012
A study with Quark b2 examines the impact of head-to-head competition on performance, pacing strategy and bioenergetics during a 2000-m cycling task. The study, by the University of Portsmouth together with the Deutsche Sporthochschule, aims to describe the bioenergetic basis for any changes in performance or pacing profile due to simulated hea...
Asymmetry of Quadriceps Muscle Oxygenation during Elite Short-Track Speed Skating
29 March 2012
A new study using K4b2 shows the impact on training and performance of asimmetry in legs muscle desaturation in short-track speed skating. The study, by the Department of Biological Sciences of the University of Essex together with the British Olympic Medical Institute, analyses the impact of the restriction of muscle blood flow, due to the low...
K4b2 Validity and Reliability during Fast Outdoor Running
06 February 2012
A new validation study of K4b2 was presented during last ACSM show assessing both the validity and reliability of the system. 19 Caucasian endurance trained individuals and 30 adolescents from a rural primary school in Kenya completed maximal incremental running tests with COSMED K4b2. The Douglas bag method (DB) was used as the criterion for c...
ERS educational video on CPET with COSMED metabolic cart
02 December 2011
An educational video has been published by ERS showing the procedure of performing a Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test with a COSMED metabolic cart. The tutorial shows the patient selection stage, the required equipment, preparation and set-up, how to perform the test and how to interpret the data. See the tutorial on the ERS website: click here ...
Exercise intensity effects on diabetic patients tested with Fitmate PRO
04 November 2011
A recent study of the Italian Diabetes Exercise Study (IDES) showed how supervised exercise can produce significant improvements of cardiovascular risk among Type-2 diabetes patients. This study aimed to assess the efficacy of an intensive exercise intervention strategy in promoting physical activity and improving hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) level a...
Validation of the COSMED Fitmate for prediction of maximal oxygen consumption
12 September 2011
A validation of Fitmate PRO by the University of Tennessee was published recently in the prestigious Journal of Strength and Conditioning. The main purpose of this study was to assess the validity of the Cosmed Fitmate for the prediction of maximal oxygen consumption through a submaximal exercise testing. Fitmate predicts VO2max based upon the...
Validation of Fitmate versus "First Principles" Metabolic Calibrator
06 March 2009
COSMED's Fitmate has been validated against a “first principles” metabolic calibrator capable of delivering cyclic air flows of known tidal volume, frequency and gas makeup. “First principles” systems are advantageous in validation testing because their calibration is based solely on easily measured and verified quantities such as length and ti...
Validation of Quark CPET versus "First Principles" Metabolic Calibrator
06 March 2009
COSMED's Quark CPET has been validated against a “first principles” metabolic calibrator capable of delivering cyclic air flows of known tidal volume, frequency and gas makeup. “First principles” systems are advantageous in validation testing because their calibration is based solely on easily measured and verified quantities such as length and...
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