Scientific News
A selection of scientific articles on Cardio Pulmonary, Lung Function, Metabolism and Body Composition

New York Times on how sport science can help in breaking the 2-hour marathon barrier
23 May 2016
An extremely interesting article on the New York Times of the 16th of May 2016 describes the attempts of sport scientist Prof. Yannis Pitsidalis to produce a revolutionary marathon time. Pitsidalis audacious plan is to use science to facilitate a sub-two-hour marathon by 2019, a decade or two sooner than many experts think possible. A sub 2 hour…
The utility of pulmonary function testing in predicting outcomes following liver transplantation
19 May 2016
A new study on Liver Transplantation Journal focuses on the utility of Pulmonary Function Testing (PFT) in predicting post liver transplant (LT) mortality and morbidity outcomes. While PFT is routinely performed in patients during the pre-LT evaluation, their utility in post-LT. The aim of the study was to determine the impact of obstructive and/…
Cardiopulmonary exercise test and sudden cardiac death risk in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
19 May 2016
A multicentre study published in the Heart Journal investigates the possible ability of cardiopulmonary exercise test in improving contemporary strategies for Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) risk stratification. Given that most of the factors associated with the risk of sudden cardiac death (SCD) in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) are also involved…
Optimising preterm nutrition: present and future
10 May 2016
A study published in the Proceedings of the Nutrition Society investigates the current findings on the management of neonatal nutrition in the preterm infant. The present paper provides a review of the current literature on the nutritional management and assessment of growth in preterm infants. It also explores several elements that may be essent…
Variables Measured During Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing as Predictors of Mortality in Chronic Systolic Heart Failure
06 May 2016
The predictive strength of CPET parameters of mortality in Heart Failure patients has been studies in this paper in the Journal of American College of Cardiology. The study sought to describe the strength of the association among variables measured during a CPX test and all-cause mortality in patients with HF with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF…
Accuracy of Prediction Formulae for the Assessment of Resting Energy Expenditure in Hospitalized Children
06 May 2016
A new study confirms the importance of measuring resting energy expenditure in a clinical setting rather than using predictive equations. The study has been published on the Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. The study performed a cross-sectional study of 236 infants, children and adolescents consecutively admitted to the Interm…
The impact of Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing (CPET) on patients over 80 years undergoing elective colorectal cancer surgery
28 April 2016
The role of CPET as a valuable preoperative assessment tool for colorectal cancer resection patients (80 yeas and above) has been examined in this article published on Colorectal Disease Journal. Pre-operative CPET testing in patients over 80 years undergoing elective colorectal cancer resection allows identification of higher risk patients and m…
Winning the war against ICU-acquired weakness new innovations in nutrition and exercise physiology
22 April 2016
A new study published in the Critical Care Journal introduced a new protocol “RISEN"–Recovery from ICU via Surveillance, Exercise, and Nutrition" for post-ICU survivors. The RISEN procotol represents a combination of modern performance-enhancing nutrition, anticatabolic/anabolic interventions, and muscle/exercise testing in order to begin to crea…
Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing as a Tool for Diagnosing Pulmonary Hypertension in Patients with Dilated Cardiomyopathy
21 April 2016
An interesting article on the Annals of Electrocardiology showing the impact of cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPX) variables on pulmonary hypertension in dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). We evaluated the usefulness of crucial CPX variables for detecting elevated pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) in patients with DCM. The study findings show tha…
The usefulness of cardiopulmonary exercise testing in assessment of patients with suspected coronary artery disease
12 April 2016
A cross-sectional study on the potential value of cardiopulmonary exwercise test in Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) patients has been published in the BMJ Postgraduate Medical Journal. The aim of this study is to assess different parameters of cardiopulmonary exercise testing that can predict the development of myocardial ischaemia in patients with…
Methods for Measuring Lung Volumes: Is There a Better One?
12 April 2016
The accuracy level of three different lung volumes techniques (body plethysmography, radiography with computerized tomography and dilution) were analyzed in the "Respiration - International Journal of Thoracic Medicine". Accurate measurement of lung volumes is of paramount importance to establish the presence of ventilatory defects and give insig…
Exercise Testing: Who, When, and Why?
08 April 2016
A useful review on exercise testing and in particular CPX was published in the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (AAPMR) Journal. There are different modalities of exercise testing that can provide valuable information to physicians about patient and athlete fitness and cardiopulmonary status. Cardiopulmonary exercise testi…
The Forced Oscillation Technique in Paediatric Respiratory Practice
08 April 2016
The clinical usefulness of Forced Oscillation Technique has been investigated in a scientific article published in Paediatric Respiratory Reviews Journal. The Forced Oscillation Technique (FOT) is a lung function modality based on the application of an external oscillatory signal in order to determine the mechanical response of the respiratory sy…
Predicted versus measured thoracic gas volumes of collegiate athletes made by the BOD POD air displacement plethysmography system
08 April 2016
The differences between measured (with the BOD POD) and predicted Thoracic Gas Volume (TGV) has been investigated in a scientific article on the Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism Journal. Measured (TGVm) and predicted (TGVp) thoracic gas volumes from the BOD POD were compared in 33 lean, university athletes. On average, TGVp (3.529 L)…
Estimation of energy expenditure using prediction equations in overweight and obese adults: a systematic review
08 April 2016
The usefulness of predictive equations of REE in healthy obese subjects has been analysed in this literature review published in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics from the British Dietetic Association. Estimates of energy requirements are needed in weight management and are usually determined using prediction equations. The objective o…
Comparison of multiple methods to measure maternal fat mass in late gestation
01 April 2016
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a study demonstrating the validity of ADP measurements of fat mass in pregnant women at term. Measurements of maternal fat mass (FM) are important for studies of maternal and fetal health. Common methods of estimating FM have not been previously compared in pregnancy with measurements using mor…
Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing-Based Algorithm and Its Usefulness in Clinical Cardiology
24 March 2016
The Journal of Patient-centred Research and Reviews published a study that validation a simplified diagnostic algorithm involving only six CPX variables. The study start from the asumption that CPX testing is underutilized by cardiologists due to complex diagnostic algorithms involving up to 30 variables as well as lack of validation studies. In…
Diffusion Capacity and Mortality in Patients With Pulmonary Hypertension Due to Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction
24 March 2016
The prognostic importance of lung diffusion capacity testing in pulmonary hypertension patients has been analysed in this study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. This study sought to investigate the prognostic importance of a low diffusion capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide (DLCO) in patients with a catheter-ba…
Minimum Time to Achieve the Steady State and Optimum Abbreviated Period to Estimate the Resting Energy Expenditure by Indirect Calorimetry in Healthy Young Adults
18 March 2016
The Nutrition in Clinical Practice Journal published an interesting article on the optimum abbreviated period for measurement of indirect calorimetry. This study aimed to determine the acclimation time required to achieve the REE steady state during a 30-minute IC measurement and to define the optimum abbreviated measurement period in the steady…
The Vital Capacity Is Vital: Epidemiology and Clinical Significance of the Restrictive Spirometry Pattern
18 March 2016
An overview on the significance of Restrictive Spirometry Pattern has been published in the Chest Journal, official pubblication of the American College of Chest Physicians. The restrictive spirometry pattern (RSP) is characterized by decreased FEV1 and FVC but a preserved FEV1/FVC ratio. Epidemiologic research has revealed a substantial portion…
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