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Scientific News

A selection of scientific articles on Cardio Pulmonary, Lung Function, Metabolism and Body Composition

Cardiopulmonary exercise testing and second-line pulmonary function tests to detect obstructive pattern in symptomatic smokers with borderline spirometry

27 June 2017
A study published on the Respiratory Medicine Journal investigates the need for additional research on smokers with respiratory symptoms (dyspnoea, cough, or sputum production) and normal spirometry. The purpose of this study was to evaulate whether symptomatic smokers with borderline spirometry (post-bronchodilator FEV1/FVC ratio between 5th t...

Approximate Time to Steady-state Resting Energy Expenditure Using Indirect Calorimetry in Young, Healthy Adults

27 June 2017
A new study in the Frontiers in Nutrition Journal provides evidence on the assessment of the time to reach steady state (SS) during indirect calorimetry in young, healthy adults. The aims of this prospective study are to determine an approximate time to reach SS using open-circuit IC and establish the appropriate duration of SS needed to estima...

Cardiopulmonary exercise factors predict survival in patients with advanced interstitial lung disease referred for lung transplantation

23 June 2017
The Respiratory Medicine Journal presents a new study demonstrating the prognostic value of CPET test parameters as pre-assessment tool for lung transplant ILD patients. The purpose of this work was to determine if parameters assessed during Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing (CPET) while using supplemental oxygen can independently predict one-ye...

Anthropometric measures are not accurate predictors of fat mass in ALS

22 June 2017
A new article on the Journal of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) shows how anthropometric measurements are not effective to measure fat mass in ALS patients. The assessment of Fat Mass in Amyotrophic Latersal Sclerosis patients is important as metabolic abnormalities impact disease progression. Anthropometric measurements include body mass i...

Are Predictive Energy Expenditure Equations in Ventilated Surgery Patients Accurate?

12 May 2017
A new study in the Journal of Intensive care Medicine analyses the accuracy of predictive equations versus indirect calorimetry in surgical ICU (SICU) patients. The objective of this study was to compare the REE measured by indirect calorimetry with REE calculated using specific calorie goals or predictive equations for nutritional support in v...

ERS technical standard on bronchial challenge testing: general considerations and performance of methacholine challenge tests

12 May 2017
A new paper by ERS published on the ERJ aims to update previous publications on bronchial challenge testing and the performance of the methacholine challenge test. This report focuses on general considerations for bronchial challenge testing, then specifically on the performance of the methacholine challenge test (MCT). Direct airway challenge...

Systematic review: pre- and post-operative prognostic value of cardiopulmonary exercise testing in liver transplant candidates

12 May 2017
Interesting literature review on the Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutic Journal focusing on the role of cardio pulmonary exercise test (CPET) in cirrhosis patients. The prognostic value of CPET for pre-and post-transplant mortality is evaluated in patients with cirrhosis listed for liver transplantation. In particular, this review analyses...

Exertional dyspnoea in interstitial lung diseases: the clinical utility of cardiopulmonary exercise testing

13 April 2017
A new review study published on the ERS European Respiratory Review describes the importance of Cardio Pulmonary Exercise Test to evaluate dyspnoea symptoms in Interstitial lung diseases (ILDs) patients. This review describes the respiratory physiology of ILD, both at rest and during exercise, and aims to provide comprehensive and updated evide...

Applicability of predictive equations for resting energy expenditure in obese patients with obstructive sleep apnea

13 April 2017
A new study investigates the applicability of predictive equations for resting energy expenditure (REE) in obese individuals with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and the effects of OSA severity on REE. The aim of the present study was to compare the REE measured by indirect calorimetry with prediction equations in obese OSA patients and, as a sec...

Measuring lung function in asthmatic children: A spirometry and forced oscillation technique (FOT) comparison

13 April 2017
The role of spirometry and forced oscillation technique (FOT) in asthmatic young patients has been investigated in a study published on the European Respiratory Journal. Spirometry is the most common pulmonary function test used in asthma diagnosing. However, it requires good patient co-operation. FOT has gained increasing attention for the mea...

Cardiopulmonary exercise testing for detecting pulmonary arterial hypertension in systemic sclerosis

24 March 2017
This study published on the Heart Journal analyses the diagnostic role of cardiopulmonary exercise test for detecting and ruling of systemic sclerosis pulmonary arterial hypertension (SSC-associated PAH). Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a devastating disease with limited survival and occurs as a frequent complication in patients with s...

Diabetes in pregnancy and infant adiposity: systematic review and meta-analysis

24 March 2017
A new systematic review on the relationship between maternal diabetes in pregnancy and offspring adiposity was published in the ADC Fetal % Neonatal Journal. The aim of the study was provide a systematic review and meta-analysis to compare adiposity in infants of diabetic mothers (IDM) and infants of mothers without diabetes (NIDM). The paper ...

Total Energy Expenditure, Energy Intake, and Body Composition in Endurance Athletes Across the Training Season: A Systematic Review

16 March 2017
An interesting article on Sport Medicine Online reviewed 321 scientific articles to analyze the alterations of total energy expenditure (TEE), energy intake, and body composition during different seasonal training phases. The purpose of this study was to (1) systematically analyze TEE, energy intake, and body composition in highly trained athle...

Energy Expenditure in the Immediate Postpartum Period: Indirect Calorimetry Versus Predictive Equations

14 March 2017
A new study on the Nutrition Journal analyzes the accuracy of predictive equations to estimate energy expenditure in postpartum women. The study aimed to evaluate the resting energy expenditure (REE) of postpartum women by indirect calorimetry (IC) and provide the most appropriate predictive equations to estimate it. REE of 79 women in a matern...

The correlation of respiratory muscle strength and cough capacity in stroke patients

14 March 2017
A study on the Journal of Physical Therapy Science investigates how inspiratory and expiratory training can improve cough capacity in stroke patients, which can reduce pulmonary complications. The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between respiratory muscle strength improvement through respiratory training and cough capac...

CORP: Measurement of the Maximum Oxygen Uptake (VO2max): VO2peak is no longer acceptable

10 March 2017
A new paper on the Journal of Applied Physiology examines the so-called secondary criteria used to validate VO2max iin particular with exercise naïve, unmotivated and/or clinical populations. This article is part of the new Cores of Reproducibility in Physiology (CORP), an American Physiology Society(APS)-wide initiative responsive to a growing...

The physiological basis and clinical significance of lung volume measurements

17 February 2017
A useful scientific review has been published in the Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine Journal describing how different physiological/pathological conditions can affect static lung volumes measurement. This review intends to update the reader with the physiological basis, clinical significance and interpretative approaches of the standard ...

Resting energy expenditure in the risk assessment of anticancer treatments

17 February 2017
This study, published in the Clinical Nutrition Journal, tries to show how abnormal basal energy metabolism can be associated with higher risk in anticancer treatments (like chemotherapy). Alterations of nutritional and performance status (PS) are associated with higher risk of chemotherapy toxicity. Increased resting energy expenditure (REE) i...

Body Composition Trajectories From Infancy to Preschool in Children Born Premature Versus Full-Term

10 February 2017
The Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition hosts a study analyzing the body composition trajectories from birth to preschool age. The aim of the study was to longitudinally characterize infancy to preschool body composition trajectories and the association of early fat and fat-free mass gains with preschool age body composition in ...

Harris-Benedict Equation and Resting Energy Expenditure Estimates in Critically Ill Ventilator Patients

09 February 2017
A new study on the American Journal of Critical Care demonstrates the limited reliability of the Harris Benedict Equation as a substitute to indirect calorimetry in critically ill patients undergoing mechanical ventilation. This observational transversal study (sample comprised 205 patients) compared REEIC (measured with indirect calorimetry) w...

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COSMED is a world leading supplier of Cardio Pulmonary, Metabolic and Body Composition testing solutions to Sports Science, Medicine, Professional Sport and Wellness.

COSMED is a world leading supplier of Cardio Pulmonary, Metabolic and Body Composition testing solutions to Sports Science, Medicine, Professional Sport and Wellness.